Monday, February 15, 2010

The Tree House

I suppose "tree platform" might be a more accurate description. It was going to be more of a house at some point, but unfortunately it never made it to that stage of development. I realized how convenient it is to have a roof when I left a shoebox full of comic books in the tree house and, returning the next day, discovered that their pages were severely warped with water damage. Nevertheless, I am pretty fond of this little fort. The "house" itself may not be particularly impressive, but throughout the years it has proven to be an outstanding chill spot.

Fortress of Solitude

The best thing about the tree house is that it was a quiet place that I could retreat to without leaving home. Whenever I was feeling overly stressed or angry or confused, it was always refreshing to climb up, get some fresh air, and just sit in the tree for a while to think. I think most people would agree that spending time outdoors, removed from the complications of our fast-paced, high-tech society, can be very beneficial. There are plenty of ways through which one can do that, be it biking, hiking, fishing, or whatever. For me, it was usually enough just to head out back, pet the goats, and spend some quality time among the branches.

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